Sustainability Week | Faculty Days

The faculty days are bringing together faculty staff, companies and students to learn more about sustainability topics related to their specific interests and faculty topics. There will be morning lecture blocks, afternoon workshops and evening pannels tied to the core subjects of each faculty. The faculty days are open to everyone, so if you are interested in exploring different sustainability topics or faculties this is your chance. Programme: Monday, 17 April: School of Business and Economics Tuesday, 18 April: Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience/ Faculty of Health, Medicine and Lifestyle sciences Wednesday, 19 April: Faculty of Law Thursday, 20 April: Faculty of Science and Engineering Friday, 21 April: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Saturday, 22 April: Sustainability Festival: Earth Day
Sustainability Week | Faculty Days
Monday 17 April 2023 at 08:00
Maastricht, Netherlands

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