is the one-stop information platform to help international students find their way in the city of Maastricht. Our content is provided in English, covering the topics of Health, Transport, Housing and Finances, as well as Sports, Events and Communities in Maastricht. We also feature a map with a wide range of locations and organisations to help you orientate yourself in the city. From bars and doctor’s offices to scenic spots and thrift stores – it’s worth checking out! We keep you in the loop through our social media channels with our top tips, important topics, and upcoming events in and around Maastricht.
The project of is part of the Student & City (StudentenStad) working group, a collaborative project between Maastricht University, Gemeente Maastricht and ZUYD University of Applied Sciences. It originated in early 2014 when students expressed a lack of information being provided in a clear and easily findable way. The idea was then picked up by a project team consisting of students from ZUYD and Maastricht University under the coordination of Maastricht University. The project was launched in late 2014 and has since undergone constant development. We collaborate with a plethora of local organisations to ensure the highest quality of content is provided and present a complete overview of what the city of Maastricht has to offer.
The operational aspects of the website are coordinated by Maastricht University and executed by a team of students. To find out more about who is involved in the project and what their individual responsibilities are visit our ‘who is mymaastricht’-section.