Students and “pre-loved” fashion: Thrifting in Maastricht

By Miruna on Tuesday 21 November 2023 at 21:05
Students and “pre-loved” fashion: Thrifting in Maastricht

We’ve all probably done our fair share of retail therapy, especially in a city like Maastricht, but how does one go about this on a student budget? One answer to this, as you might have guessed, is thrifting. Here, we want to tell you about the opportunities for second-hand shopping in Maastricht. Environments where style meets sustainability in one smart shopping experience!

We asked you on our socials a while ago if you knew what the Vinokilo was. They were here in Maastricht, hosting an event in October at Rebelle. On a mission to redefine fashion consumption, Vinokilo salvages secondhand clothes, sorts and revives them and then sells these items at events all around the globe, including Maastricht. Where does the name come from? Good question, easy answer – you buy whatever vintage clothes you want and pay per kilogram of clothes (around 30-40 euros depending on the event and how many clothes are left by that time). You can also bring your old clothes back to them and get discount vouchers in return! We don’t yet know when their next Maastricht event will be, but you can catch them in Brussels, Paris, Stuttgart and many more until then! We’ll make sure to keep you updated on Instagram when we know more 🙂

Another budget-friendly way to furnish your new room or jazz up your wardrobe is provided by Kringloop Zuid (Kringloop means second-hand in Dutch!). With a large branch in Maastricht Randwyck, this store offers a wide array of items that are still in great shape and waiting for new owners! Whether it’s household essentials or trendy clothes, you can express your style on a budget while also encouraging sustainability by stopping by their store (Watermolen 52, 6229 PM Maastricht). 

Photo: Kringloop Zuid

Are you looking for some individual pieces? Then you have to pay a visit to Vintage Island (Platielstraat 1a 6211GZ). “Good old fashion” has never sounded better – a high-quality collection of vintage clothes which have never been worn before are waiting to be tried on! Are you hunting for the perfect finishing touch to your bold cowboy costume for Carnival? They’ve got you covered! With a vast collection of Western Boots, Vintage Island is your ticket to discovering the magic of timeless fashion. However, it might be a bit pricier than our other picks for this article since the articles are all vintage, but first wear!

Photo: Vintage Island

We can all agree that clothing is one of the best ways to express yourself without saying a word – Dotnsquare boutique celebrates fabric as a canvas for self-expression. Repair, reuse, rediscover and find the best retro pieces at Heggenstraat 5, 6221 CW. Looking for items inspired by the 80s and 90s for unparalleled outfits? You can stop looking. Dotnsquare also focuses on empowerment, revolving its mission around the idea that everyone can be a force for good – displayed in their showcase are LGBTQ+ themed accessories and many more that we’ll leave for you to discover yourselves.

Photo: Dotnsquare

Thrifting is definitely a way to save money, but we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much more it has to offer – discovering the stories behind garments and allowing your creativity to come through when styling or transforming them is a leap towards unlocking a new means of self-expression. By opting for “pre-loved” fashion items, you can spark the flame of environmental change while perhaps keeping some pennies safe in your wallet for your next night out with friends. So, grab your tote bag, explore budget-friendly shopping in Maastricht and let us know how your experience was!

Do you know of any other fun thrifting spots around the city? DM us on Instagram 🙂

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