Time to join associations!

By Ronja Holopainen on Tuesday 22 August 2023 at 06:36
Time to join associations!


Have you just moved to Maastricht or are you starting another fresh year of your studies here? Why not fully throw yourself into life in Maastricht by joining a group or sport team? We have a lot of variety here in Maastricht for students. You can do anything from chess club to American football!

If you like sports, arts and crafts, or maybe activism is your thing, whatever it is, we’re sure there’s a group you can join and find your passion in. On top of that, you’re sure to get know cool people and have some fun! 

So, you may be wondering, where can you start with finding a hobby in Maastricht? Luckily our community page covers all the organisations that we know of in Maastricht in one comprehensive list. We have student specific associations and locally run organisations. We have a ton of various groups and sports associations listed on our website. Whatever it is that interests you, you can find it in Maastricht on our page. 

If you had a look at these pages you probably found a couple of groups that you think might be interesting to you. Now all there is left to do is just get involved! If you’re joining the INKOM week, some of the bigger associations will be present at the information market and will have stands you can approach them at. Here, you can talk to students who are a part of the groups and hear more about what it’s like from them. If you won’t have the chance to join INKOM or the group won’t be present there, you can check the websites and social media pages of each association. Usually they will post about their open practices or open days on their social media channels, so I would recommend following the associations/groups that you are interested in. 

If you had a look at the page and didn’t find anything that suits you but you’d like to start your own club, we say absolutely go for it! Reach out to the Student Initiative Helpdesk (SIH) to begin your new initiative, they will guide you in this process.   


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