There are three official housing corporations offering both private and shared housing in Maastricht. They offer social housing & affordable living for everybody. Their practices and prices are not solely motivated by profit and they are considered social organisations. The local three are Maasvallei, Servatius and Woonpunt.
These companies own rooms around Maastricht and offer these rooms through Maastricht Housing. You have to register on Maastricht Housing to browse their offers, and their rooms are given on a queue basis. This means that the sooner you register, the higher your chances are of being accepted for the room you want.
We will be realistic- a lot of the very nice studio’s need you to have been signed up to the website for three years, but there are smaller rooms with shorter queues too. The rooms are generally very nicely maintained, and you know you will be in a building with other students.
If you are planning for the future, and thinking of staying in Maastricht after finishing your bachelors, then we would recommend that you sign up for the social housing website Thuis in Limburg. This website is free to join and also operates a queue system. You have nothing to lose by registering, but you could get a really nice place to live in a few years.